Invisalign in Beverly Hills

The price of Invisalign is one that most people are willing to pay for the benefits of having their teeth straightened discreetly.

Invisalign in Beverly Hills

Invisalign near CA

The price of Invisalign is one that most people are willing to pay for the benefits of having their teeth straightened discreetly. The price that orthodontists charge for each type of brace is up to them, so you'll find that charges differ from one location to another. The cost of Invisalign and other transparent braces will also depend on the complexity of your treatment and the expected duration. At Invisalign for Beautiful Smiles Beverly Hills at 300 S Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212/3J62+RF Beverly Hills, California.

3D plan - Before and After

From the 3D plan allows you to see ‘before and after’ views of your teeth before the treatment has even begun. This allows you and your dentist or orthodontist to visualize the predicted outcome of your treatment and discuss different treatment options you may want to consider.

The Invisalign® Treatment

When your teeth are aligned, they tend to harbor fewer bacteria because they're easier for you to clean. undefined. Better oral hygiene will decrease your risk of tooth decay, , and your gums may support your teeth better when they aren't overlapping, too. You could also have a decreased risk of chipping, breaking, or wearing away your teeth when they fit together correctly.And if you don't have dental insurance to cover any or all of these visits, they can get expensive. Sometimes a bracket or wire may become loose with traditional braces, which means yet another orthodontist visit. With clear aligners, if there's any damage, you can switch to the next aligner in your series.Alternatively, when you have clear aligners, you can simply remove them and practice good oral hygiene the way you always do. Good oral hygiene is vital to the success of your treatment. Clear aligners tend to cost a bit more than traditional braces, but there's no way to provide exact numbers without knowing the specific needs of your teeth.

Invisalign for Beautiful Smiles Beverly Hills

Address: 300 S Beverly Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Closes 6PM

(310) 551-2955

3J62+RF Beverly Hills, California

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