When Does Invisalign Not Fit: A Comprehensive Guide

In this article we discuss how to tell if Invisalign trays are not fitting properly and what causes them not to track correctly.

When Does Invisalign Not Fit: A Comprehensive Guide

If you have just switched to a new set of trays and they don't fit your teeth, you can use Invisalign's “Chewies” to seat them properly. Your dentist will provide you with these chewable candies, which are shaped like a cotton roll and made of a soft, chewy material. If the aligner doesn't fit correctly, you'll usually notice a space where the aligner doesn't fit flush with your teeth. Check the area to find the hole.

If your previous set of aligners seems to fit properly, you may want to talk to your dentist about “recoil.” This is when your treatment is a little late and your previous set of aligners may not have fully moved your teeth to the correct position. To straighten your teeth, Invisalign uses a series of custom-made aligners designed to fit snugly over your teeth. It is essential that your aligners fit properly so that your treatment is processed quickly as planned. Your orthodontist may give you “aligner chews” which are small foam cylinders designed to help close any air space between your teeth and aligners.

Invisalign requires a lot of strength to straighten your teeth into their new positions, so before you see your provider, try some of these pain relief tips from Invisalign. Forgetting to wear the trays for the recommended amount of time can prevent you from progressing with treatment in a timely manner. Your dentist will take pictures and impressions of your mouth and then work with Invisalign to develop an up-to-date treatment plan that will ensure that your aligners follow correctly and give you great results. If one or more of your teeth are particularly stubborn or difficult to move, your dentist will work with Invisalign to modify your treatment plan accordingly and ensure that treatment continues smoothly.

On the other hand, you can tell if your Invisalign is tracking correctly if the trays align closely with the contours of your teeth. By following the instructions provided in this blog, you should be able to determine if your Invisalign is following up correctly without having to consult your provider. In some cases, Invisalign aligners may not “sit on your teeth properly” and you may see gaps between the aligner and your teeth. Each Invisalign aligner is custom-made to move your teeth smoothly and safely into proper alignment.

One of the simplest methods to determine if your Invisalign trays have stopped fitting properly is to trace them with your teeth. Chewing exercises are also good for treating Invisalign discomfort, but chewables aren't a good choice when you're out and about or in public. There are several possible causes behind incorrect adjustment of Invisalign trays and they often cause patients to think that their Invisalign is not working. While it can be frustrating to realize that your teeth don't move as fast as you want, it's important to consider why your Invisalign doesn't track.

They are sugar-free and sweetened with xylitol to combat Invisalign's dry mouth and prevent Invisalign from tracking during your trip. Invisalign follow-up issues are a common concern for patients and a recurring part of the smile journey. To ensure that everything goes according to plan, it's important for patients to understand why their trays may not be fitting properly and how they can fix it.

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